Artist's Biography
I was born in a small village in Southern Taiwan. As an enthusiastic painter since the age of six years old, I remember fondly a childhood in which I filled rooms with my drawings. I would sketch on the sidewalk, neighbors’ walls, and any other surface I could find. Creation was a part of my daily life from early on. Painting has been my companion, as well as my healer, throughout my life. When my father passed away at the age of twelve, I found salvation in creating. With the help of a private art teacher I devised and designed, conceived and constructed, and discovered aspects of the world I had yet to notice or appreciate.
I attempted to uncover the meaning of existence and am still continuing my search. My passion for art extended well into my years as a teenager and young adult. I went to a special vocational art high school where the strict teachers drove us to be masters of our chosen artistic professions. There, I furthered my craft through the instructors’ harsh discipline. I continued my pursuit of art at the National Hsinchu Teachers College for Art, where I graduated with honors in 1990. I taught in a public school for four years then opened my own art school, which grew to over 200 students. I invested all my time in energy in teaching and sharing my passion for art. However, over time I became exhausted by full-time teaching and eager for time for my own creations. During summer breaks between school, I traveled throughout Asia, observing art and culture left from hundreds and thousands of years before. These remnants from times past deeply touched me and forever influenced my personal perceptions of art. I found far more inspiration exploring ancient ruins and temples - the foundations of human creation - than I ever could by strolling through a contemporary art museum. In my early thirties, shortly after an extended trip in South Asia, I came to the United States. I decided to attend CSU, Chico, where I received a Masters in Art. In my thesis, I focused on comparisons between a variety of religious icons, from Buddhism to Taoism to Christianity. I discovered fascinating similarities between different religious concepts shared throughout human history. It has had a great impact on my In Congruence series, which centers around the concept of harmonious coexistence. We are all one. In my In Congruence series, I combined the style of Classical European still-lifes with classical Oriental painting. Focusing on 16th and 17th century Dutch still-lifes, as well as the flowers, birds, and landscape paintings of the Tang & Song Dynasties, the series reflects my personal love of antiquity. Our current modern age of globalization and interconnectedness of multicultural societies is reflected in my own approach to art. I continue to work as a professional artist in Chico, California, showing in a myriad of galleries, art festivals, and exhibits across the nation.